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Selected UNIX shell scripts

There is really too much here for me to document fully. A lot of my scripts may be idiosyncratic things that you won't be interested in, but I'm going to go ahead and give you a link into my bin directory; some of the scripts there contain explanatory commments at the beginning. I will also give you direct links to a few subdirectories that may be particularly interesting. Eventually, I may place a README file Within each of the subdirectories mentioned here to give a brief "table of contents"; for now, this feature can be found only in the bin/courses directory. (Note that at least one browser displays the contents of the README file at the end of the directory list rather than including it in the directory like any other file.)

I'll just single out one cute set of scripts on the top level bin directory. The script ps1 chooses the largest possible type size from 5pt to 25pt to get a specified text file or files to be printable on one page (by enscript with a Courier font) without any line truncation or wraparound. It uses the script check1page and the nifty general script binsearch that does a sort of binary search. (It would probably be good to do a little further work on ps1 and check1page to give the user more flexibility to decide whether line wrapping or truncation are acceptable.)

In my bin/tex directory are scripts relating to TeX/LaTeX. This is a very inclusive categorization. For example, the directory includes a command to fax a document to a list of individuals, including a cover page for each person. Since the document is assumed to be a .dvi file and the cover page is attached using LaTeX, this script goes in the bin/tex directory. The directory also contains spell and style programs including deroff and detex capabilities that fix problems in the U. of Maryland GLUE project versions of these programs. In conjunction with some of scripts in this directory, you may also need to look at my directory of LaTeX macros and my directory of LaTeX templates.

In my bin/courses directory are scripts relating to course administration and grading. (Note that there is a little usage by these scripts of scripts in my bin/tex directory, and those scripts may reference my directory of LaTeX macros and my directory of LaTeX templates, but I think this is restricted to the "faxrecord" script called by "faxgrades".)

In my bin/versctrl directory are scripts that provide a nondestructive file deletion system. That is you can "delete" files, which sends them to a subdirectory called ".del". Later you can "undelete" such files if you realize you have made a mistake, or you can "purge" such files to really make them go away (via "rm").

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Last updated on 05-Mar-08 at 16:09 CST by Ronald I. Greenberg (rig at cs.luc.edu)