Index of /~rig/home/bin/courses

Parent Directory
Name  Last modified   Bytes  Aug 9 2023  #8175  Sep 2 2024  #8026  Mar 4 2023  #7962
README  Mar 5 2008  #7428
README-lectures  Jan 13 2003  #137
Solaris  Aug 29 2006  #4096
abbrev2term  Sep 3 2008  #43
abbrev2term.sed  Jun 27 2010  #37
addexamdates  Jan 22 2018  #980
aggrerate  May 5 2011  #1313
archival  Sep 26 2012  #4096
c2tex  Feb 5 2012  #7
cchecks  Feb 5 2016  #2845
checkhist  Sep 25 1997  #259
collage  Jan 31 2008  #703
comparesubs  Feb 20 2012  #258
courseeaddrs  Oct 2 2014  #2111
coursegmail  Jan 27 2015  #1827
coursegpa  Oct 2 2014  #221
coursesgmail  Jan 29 2015  #813
cpascores  Mar 20 2007  #322
cpascorescore  Jun 20 2006  #252
cplec  Feb 8 2013  #239
delayedpost  Oct 4 2013  #126
dirstowebgrader  Feb 3 2010  #295
discrete  Jan 30 2012  #4096
eaddrsfromsakai  Jan 22 2021  #2046
emailgrades  May 13 1996  #61
emailrecord  Jun 22 2009  #87
exchars  Mar 25 1996  #676
excol  Oct 2 2014  #933
ext2tex  Mar 12 2014  #1720
faxgrades  May 13 1996  #55
faxrecord  Jun 14 1996  #353
filestowebgrader  Feb 3 2010  #307
findcol  Oct 19 2014  #1359
findscstringerrors  Dec 17 2023  #129
fixnosubs  May 2 2019  #231
fullness2ps  Apr 18 2021  #376
gpa  Jun 13 1996  #396
gradavg  Nov 2 2014  #1166
gradehist  Oct 23 2013  #862
gradehists  Oct 10 2015  #267
grades-scinit.csh  Jan 7 2020  #344
grades2ps  Feb 15 2008  #472
grades2sakai  Sep 27 2023  #1084
gradesfromgrader  Sep 19 2023  #270
gradesinsc  Feb 24 2019  #1633
gradesmsg.txt  Dec 14 2016  #1687
gradesmsg1.txt  Jun 21 2009  #193
gradestrings  May 3 2011  #175
gradist  Dec 18 2014  #225
hist  Mar 26 1998  #609
i686  May 7 2009  #4096
index.cgi  Feb 11 2009  #967
installgradesfromunzip  Oct 12 2009  #114
installnotesfromtex  Sep 28 2012  #263
installzip  Mar 27 2008  #52
isbncheck  Jun 14 1996  #1706
java2tex  Feb 5 2012  #7
labgrades2ps  Feb 5 2012  #9
labgradesmsg.txt  Jan 22 2018  #735
labgradesmsg1.txt  Jan 25 2018  #193
lastho  Nov 22 2004  #262
letsinsc  Dec 10 2009  #3057
locus2roster  Aug 23 2023  #3446
makehist  May 3 2011  #149
makeinclass  Jun 20 2006  #746
makesoln  Sep 4 2002  #1033
mvsubs  Mar 26 2020  #1060
mvsubs.~1~  Sep 12 2024  #1060
notes.txt  Mar 5 22:56  #15312
notes.txt.~10~  Feb 11 13:04  #14821
notes.txt.~11~  Feb 11 13:18  #15100
notes.txt.~12~  Mar 3 15:56  #15132
notes.txt.~13~  Mar 3 16:59  #15312
notes.txt.~1~  Sep 26 2023  #13833
notes.txt.~2~  Sep 12 2024  #13927
notes.txt.~3~  Nov 9 22:15  #13937
notes.txt.~4~  Jan 13 10:25  #13956
notes.txt.~5~  Jan 13 21:17  #13963
notes.txt.~6~  Jan 29 22:51  #14244
notes.txt.~7~  Feb 3 15:30  #14268
notes.txt.~8~  Feb 9 21:41  #13849
notes.txt.~9~  Feb 10 16:30  #14085
officialize  Jan 30 2012  #181
packstuds  Mar 16 2013  #416
pginternal  Oct 31 2012  #202
pl2tex  Feb 5 2012  #7
postgrades  Dec 1 2014  #2975
probsum  Jan 24 2002  #298
py2tex  Feb 5 2012  #7
quizgrades2ps  Mar 2 2018  #49
quizgradesmsg.txt  Jan 22 2018  #738
quizgradesmsg1.txt  Jan 25 2018  #193
roster2sakai  May 19 2014  #799
sakai2grades  Feb 6 2019  #2261
sc2tex  Feb 5 2012  #7
sc2txt  Feb 5 2012  #7
sccp  Jan 28 2020  #1238
scnew  Jan 17 2022  #6889
sctrans  May 7 2009  #1407
scwrite  Aug 25 2006  #1401
stripgradestats  May 14 1993  #71
tentemails  Aug 26 2024  #169
tentemails.~1~  Aug 26 2024  #397
tentemails.~2~  Aug 26 2024  #168
tentemails.~3~  Aug 26 2024  #177
testeaddrs  Jun 20 2006  #327
tex2csv  Mar 5 2014  #426
topscores  Jan 1 2015  #603
unpackstuds  Nov 6 2019  #527
unzip+file  Feb 4 2023  #574
updategrades  Nov 8 2019  #382
wffullness2ps  Apr 18 2021  #11
wwwac  Feb 5 2012  #41
wwwhodir  Oct 4 2013  #2491
wwwhodirinternal  Sep 17 2014  #944
x86_64  Sep 29 2014  #4096
y2k  Sep 3 2008  #35
y2k.sed  Jul 11 2008  #40

This directory contains several shell scripts useful for course
administration and related academic purposes.  Several of them are
based on the assumption that grades are maintained by the "sc"
spreadsheet program and that certain conventions are followed, but
there are also some more general scripts.  First, I will give a
rundown of general scripts having nothing to do with sc.  Then I will
describe an sc-based approach for grade maintenance, but some of the
commands described there or invoked as internals can also be useful
without sc; for example, "hist" can histogram any file of scores that
come one per line.  Many of the commands described briefly in this
file contain a bit more documentation in the form of comments within
the actual script file.

First, this directory contains the following miscellaneous commands:

gpa: Computes GPA on a four point scale from a count of number of A,
     B, C, D, and F grades.

gradavg: Compute numerical mean of letter grades,
         e.g., "gradavg A B- D+ C F A".
         A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0.  +=1/3, -=-1/3.

isbncheck: Performs error detection on an ISBN number.

lastho: Shows  handout numbers in sorted order and corresponding files,
        assuming each handout number appears in an appropriate format in a
        .tex or .txt file.

Now, before I get into the commands that are connected with sc, I need
to give you some pointers regarding the conventions I assume for the
.sc file.  An example file that you can use as a template to start
from is found in "".

The first line of the spreadsheet must contain right justified column
headings (rightstrings in sc).  These headings must include "NAME",
"POST" and "EADDR"; case is significant.  The "NAME" column is
straightforward, but a nonobvious rule is that names should always be
in upper and lowercase (or lowercase) so that they will not contain
any of the uppercase keywords mentioned below.  The "POST" column may
contain the special strings "EMAIL" or "FAX" to indicate that grade
records will be sent to the student by email or fax, respectively.  Or
it can contain an arbitrary string selected by the student to be used
as a secret code for posting grades in a public place.  The entry may
also be "NOBODY" to supress posting.  The "EADDR" column should
contain an electronic address for any student with "EMAIL" or "FAX" in
the "POST" column.  If the "POST" column contains "EMAIL" or "FAX",
but you don't actually have an electronic address, you should put
"NOBODY" in this column before invoking the "postgrades" command (or
students might recieve another student's grade record).  ("NOBODY" is
assumed to be an email address you can send to without consequence, so
that entering this string should cause no problem for the "mailaddrs"
command.)  The "CLS" column is an optional one that may contain a
single character "class" indicator (e.g., "G" for graduate student,
"S" for senior, and "N" for NTU student).  The "NUMBER" column is a
personal identification number used by the "wwwac" command to set
passwords for website access.  Each column should have its format
adjusted so that it is wide enough to hold all the contents; columns
to contain scores should have formats that will round all numbers to

Any nonblank lines besides the header line and the student lines
should contain one of the strings "POSSIBLE", "MAX", "MIN", "AVG", or
"STDDEV".  You need not include such an elaborate statistics section
as in, but the file gives an example of the sort of thing you
can do.

Don't use any of the uppercase strings mentioned above within the
spreadsheet except as described above.

Now the following additional commands are available.

sc2txt: Creates a .txt file from a .sc file; also does a save of the
        .sc file, which sorts the lines into a canonical order.
        The .txt file is a straight text tabular representation of the
        spreadsheet contents; use enscript with an appropriate font to
        print it.  You can also use the "grades2ps" command to choose
        a sufficiently small font to print key information on one page
        using my "ps1" command from  (To make it print in
        landscape mode, just create a fiel grades.orient containing
        the word landscape.)

courseeaddrs: Inspects two argument files, the first a .txt file as produced
              by sc2txt and the second giving a PIN and email address for a
              grader, and creates aliases in foo.mailrc for the grader and
              for the class.  Also creates on foo.faxdests a list of people
              with fax numbers in a format suitable for the faxlist command
              (on my bin/tex directory).

gradehist: Create a histogram of column of scores labeled $2 in file $1.
           Each student's score is shown with the corresponding symbol for
           that student under CLS if the CLS column is present.

letsinsc: Puts letter grades into a chosen column of the spreadsheet based
          on numeric grades in another column.  For safety, the old version
          of the spreadsheet is "nondestructively deleted" using my
          bin/versctrl/del command.  If you want to live more dangerously
          and avoid messing with my versctrl stuff, comment out the
          two indicated lines near the end of the file.

postgrades: Inspects $1.txt and
            (1) Makes a list of student grade records (on $
                to be posted for all those students that have a secret
                code in the "POST" column.
            (2) Makes a file for each student who has "EMAIL" in his
                "POST" column and doesn't have "NOBODY" under "EADDR".
                Each file name of the form eaddr.egr, where "eaddr" is
                the students email address.  The file contains a message
                taken from pgmsg.txt and then the student's complete
                record from the spreadsheet (excepting the POST and CLS
                column entries).
            (3) Does the same thing as in (2) but for "FAX" rather than
                "EMAIL" entries under "POST".  Here, the file names
                are of the form info@telnum.fgr, where "info" is the
                name and perhaps location information (with spaces
                converted to underscores), and "telnum" is the fax
                telephone number.

emailgrades: Email out each of the .egr grade record files to the
             appropriate email address.

faxgrades: Fax out each of the .fgr grade record files to the appropriate
           fax number with an appropriate cover page.  Uses the commands
           txt2dvi and faxlist (and faxlist uses flinternal) on my bin/tex.
           Assumes you have a fax server set up to handle "sendfax" commands.

The following commands are invoked by commands described above:

hist: Called by gradehist to produce a histogram
checkhist: Called by gradehist to count the number of scores in a histogram

stripgradestats: Called by gradehist and postgrades to remove the rows
                 containing summary statistics from grades.txt.

excol: Called by mailaddrs, gradehist, letsinsc, and postgrades to
       extract columns from grades.txt

findcol: Called by excol.

exchars: Called by excol.

pginternal: Called by postgrades.

emailrecord: Called by emailgrades.

faxrecord: Called by faxgrades.