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Selected LaTeX macros and databases

First, something for which you need special permission. I have created a LaTeX2e document class for Loyola University of Chicago letters. If you have faculty group permissions on the CS file server, you can get the luclet.cls file and the lucmseal.eps (monochrome Loyola seal in postscript) it uses from the directory ~rig/tex/luclet (or just add that directory to your TEXINPUTS environment variable setting). Otherwise, you can email me (rig at cs.luc.edu), indicating why you should have a copy, and I can give you a password to get it off the web. These files work only if you are running LaTeX2e with the graphics package installed. But it is also easy to use luclet.cls when running a LaTeX2.09 file through LaTeX2e, and it should be easy to make luclet.cls work as a straight LaTeX2.09 .sty file; in either of these cases, you need to also be using the psfig style option and have the psfig package installed in the path specified by your TEXINPUTS.

You can pick up a gzipped version of my large .bib file. Note that some of the entries use my LaTeX macros for bibliographies. You can also get at a variety of things in my directory of TeX/LaTeX stuff, e.g., style files for various journals or proceedings in the subdirectories acm, ieee, llncs, ppl, siam. (The version of my .bib file there will be unreadable because it contains additional personal idiosyncracies that are filtered out of the cleaner version of my .bib file.)

For my personal LaTeX macros/mymain, I will give minimal documentation, for now, and rely partly on a general link into the directory containing my LaTeX macros. But if you're looking for .sty files that are most frequently included in my documents, they are

Some of my more frequently used macros/mymain are in

You might also want to see how I set my environment variables related to TeX/LaTeX in my .environment file Available: .csh file. .

In addition, you might want to look at my directory of UNIX shell scripts related to TeX/LaTeX. (A little more information about these can be found on my page about my shell scripts.)

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Last updated on 19-Apr-21 at 18:25 CDT by Ronald Greenberg (rig at cs.luc.edu)