Loyola University of Chicago Computer Science Fall 2010 Course Schedule

Provided here is a set of schedule views including a plot of courses on the Loyola grid (for those courses that have weekday meeting times) and listings under different sort orders (basically by unique code, by course and section number, by instructor, and by time). The plot consolidates into one box those courses that have the same time, location, type, credits, and instructor even though there may be multiple course/section numbers; it shows all information except course titles. (Type incorporates the PeopleSoft categorization of "Lec", "Lab", etc. Also, where scheduling needs to be in a Windows lab or Linux lab, the type could be e.g., WLab, WLec, LLab, or LLec.) In the Postscript and PDF files, the following color scheme is used: (Note: Any CSIS courses will be in the business school's Fall Quarter but will be colored like any other Fall semester course.)

Last updated on 04-Feb-18 at 22:12 CST by Ronald I. Greenberg (rig at cs.luc.edu)