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[Published originally in the May 2005 edition
of Computing Research News, Vol. 17/No. 3]
See also the March 2006 article, Drop in CS
Bachelor’s Degree Production. and Interest in CS and CE as
Majors Drops in 2005 and Freshmen Interest in CS
and Degree Production Trends
Interest in CS as a
Major Drops Among Incoming Freshmen by Jay Vegso
An analysis of survey
results from the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of
California at Los Angeles (HERI/UCLA) indicates that the popularity of
computer science (CS) as a major among incoming freshmen at all
undergraduate institutions has dropped significantly in the past four
years. Alarmingly, the proportion of women who thought that they might
major in CS has fallen to levels unseen since the early 1970s.
percentage of incoming undergraduates indicating that they would major in
CS declined by over 60 percent between the Fall of 2000 and 2004, and is
now 70 percent lower than its peak in the early 1980s (Figure

Freshmen interest levels at any given
point have been an accurate predictor of trends in the number of degrees
granted four to five years later. It therefore seems likely that there
will be a sharp decline in the number of bachelor's degrees granted in CS
in the coming decade. Results from CRA's Taulbee Survey of Ph.D.-granting
CS departments reinforce this: the number of newly declared CS majors has
declined for the past four years and is now 39 percent lower than in the
Fall of 2000. Enrollments have declined 7 percent in each of the past two
years (see www.cra.org/info/taulbee/bachelors).
2 provides a sense of changing interests among incoming freshmen. The
majors included within the groupings can be found below.

The upcoming drop in CS degree production
will highlight the field's inability to appeal to incoming female
undergraduates. Overall, interest in CS among women fell 80 percent
between 1998 and 2004, and 93 percent since its peak in 1982.
Although newly-enrolled women have always been less likely than
men to indicate CS as their probable major, the gap between them remained
relatively narrow through 1980 (Figure 1). During the surge and drop in
interest that occurred in the 1980s, however, the difference between men
and women more than doubled. While their interest levels continued to
parallel each other, it was at this time that CS appears to have lost its
ability to attract incoming undergraduate women. During the second surge
of interest in CS that occurred in the mid- to late 1990s, women's
interest in the field did not grow at the same rate as men's. As a result,
the gap between men and women who thought that they would major in CS
tripled between the early and late 1990s. Although the difference might
appear to have narrowed in recent years, this is because the percentage of
women interested in CS was low to begin with, whereas men's interest
levels have had room to fall.
Unsurprisingly, freshmen women's
dwindling interest in CS has affected degree production trends (Figure 3).
Unlike most other fields, which have seen women's representation increase
over time, the portion of CS degrees granted to women fell in the late
1980s and has yet to return above 30 percent. With a fall in degree
production looming, it is difficult to see how CS can match expected
future demand for IT workers without raising women's participation at the
undergraduate level.
Sources and further information:
HERI/UCLA's "CIRP Freshman Survey" is an
annual survey of the characteristics of students attending colleges and
universities as first-time, full-time freshmen: www.gseis.ucla.edu/heri/freshman.html.
National Science Foundation data on degree
production are available at www.nsf.gov/statistics/ and on
CRA's website at www.cra.org/info/education/us/
Fields included in Figure 2's
(Computer Science is categorized by
HERI/UCLA in a group called 'Other', which was not included in this
Arts and humanities
Art, fine and applied English
(language and literature) History Journalism Language and
literature (except English) Music Philosophy Theater or
drama Speech Theology or religion Other arts and
Biological science
Biology (general) Biochemistry or
biophysics Botany Environmental science Marine (life)
science Microbiology or bacteriology Zoology Other biological
Accounting Business administration
(general) Finance International
Business Marketing Management Secretarial studies Other
Business education Elementary
education Music or art education Physical education or
recreation Secondary education Special education Other
Aeronautical or astronautical
engineering Civil engineering Chemical engineering Computer
engineering Electrical or electronic engineering Industrial
engineering Mechanical engineering Other
Physical science
Astronomy Atmospheric science
(including Meteorology) Chemistry Earth science Marine
science Math Physics Statistics Other physical
Architecture or urban planning Home
economics Health technology (medical, dental,
laboratory) Library or archival science Medicine, dental,
veterinarian Nursing Pharmacy Therapy (occupational,
physical, speech) Other professional
Social Science
Anthropology Economics Ethnic
studies Geography Political science (gov't, int'l
relations) Psychology Social work Sociology Women's
studies Other social science
Building trades Data processing or
computer programming Drafting or
design Electronics Mechanics Other
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